The SAFE U Initiative  


Mental Health | Suicide Intervention | Life & Death Education

Asia's 1st Safe Space Suicide & Mental Health Support Initiative-Programme

Home to Singapore's 1st Death Experience Workshop

Singapore's Pioneering Full-Scale Intervention Programme Dedicated to Self-Harm Mitigation

Hello and welcome! The SAFE U Initiative • 星洲守护心灵企划 is a non-profit community initiative in Singapore providing culturally-sensitive bilingual low to pro bono mental health and suicide support to any individual in need. We were established in November 2023 but our youthfulness has not stopped us from punching above our weight. 

In terms of our work, we make a distinction between mental health and suicide because not all suicides are caused by mental disorders. Our core passion lies in suicide intervention, which by definition involves suicide prevention and addressing of pertinent mental health issues. Such a unique retrospective approach allows us to work backwards from a suicide support perspective to destigmatise and alleviate mental health conditions. Destigmatisation, responsibility and accessibility are significant principles in our Safe Space concept turned Initiative-Programme. 

What is an Initiative-Programme? An Initiative-Programme refers to a structured approach that combines the focused efforts of an initiative with the broader, strategic goals of a programme. This approach allows us to achieve long-term impact and sustainability. 

  We cover the full spectrum of suicide and mental health services with courage and ingenuity. We are also committed life & death educators, going beyond normalising conversations around death to actively assisting individuals to lead meaningful and purposeful lives. 

Our Safe Space Initiative-Programme for mental health & suicide support, which includes the incorporation of Life & Death Education (LDE), is Asia's first implementation of its kind.

You won't find our programmes or workshops anywhere else because we specifically craft them with love and empathy. We focus greatly on experiential solutions which are meant to promote reflection, acceptance and behavioural change. Our signature Death Experience Workshop being the prime example of a successful implementation of our philosophy.

The initiative is meant to be accessible to everyone in need and all you have to do is pay it forward. 

We choose to journey with you so that you may give life a second chance!

Statement of Diversity and Inclusion

The SAFE U Initiative will dedicate ourselves to cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity where all volunteers and participants of our programmes feel safe and respected.

We do this by ensuring everyone involved with Safe U will be treated with utmost care and dignity, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and physical ability. 

Our culture focuses on authenticity, responsibility and safety. We strongly believe in promoting diversity and inclusion through these values by creating a supportive environment in a sometimes inauthentic world so that everyone is free to pursue their dreams and work towards self-actualisation.

 In the line of our work, we have also encountered a few LGBTQIA2S+ volunteers and participants. We would like to assure them that we offer a non-judgmental and inclusive environment for them to feel valued and supported. Our sincere wish is for them to embrace their authentic self. 

Did you know?

 Suicidal tendencies fluctuate. We intervene by providing a safe space to explore and transform ambivalence into the possibility of a life waiting to be fulfilled.


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Raison d'être

Our Reason for Being

The SAFE U Initiative is a community initiative born out of our desire to change how mental health and suicide support is envisioned in Singapore. We were established in November 2023, making us the first Safe Space Intervention for suicidal individuals in Singapore. 

In Australia and the United Kingdom, the concept of Safe Spaces reduced psychiatric admissions by 40%.
We extensively referenced the existing research and created our own suicide intervention protocol (SAFE UP) based on the evidence. In doing so, we created a suicide intervention programme which is specific to Singapore. We went further by expanding the limits of what a Safe Space can do by effectively covering client presentations spanning the whole mental health spectrum, thereby creating a totally self-sufficient model which can engage with Singapore's wider mental health network and self-sustain when required. 

According to the QPR Institute, everyone except the severely suicidal patients can be treated as an outpatient. 

What this statement means is that the majority of suicidal individuals are suitable to be managed in the community.

We drastically reduce the help-negation effect (i.e., the refusal or avoidance of available help) by providing low barrier access to high-quality community suicide support which is unavailable anywhere else in Singapore. In addition, we recognise the importance of addressing suicide-related decision making within the community context where one is guided to make personal decisions aligned with their own self-interest rather than having their personal autonomy completely taken away from them. So, what are our roles?

We are choice architects and risk communicators. 

Based on the principles of behavioural economics and emotional-affective dynamics, our novel multi-faceted suicide support strategy (BECA) excels by targeting cognitive biases subsumed within affective forecasting. 

We do our utmost to increase one's probability of reaching rational life-saving decisions on their own.

At the same time, we transcend the extremely poor predictions of suicide risk stratification by creating a compassion-focused suicide evaluation model (ASM) which is asset-based, evolution-informed and centred on risk communication.

Why is community management preferred to involuntary psychiatric admission when possible? 

The fundamental difference is stigmatisation resulting from linking mental illness directly to suicide even though their relationship is often nuanced and complex. While medical professionals see mental illness from a medical context, the general public views mental illness from a cultural context. Societal conceptions of mental illness (e.g., abormality, unpredictability, craziness and dangerous) are associated with expectations of rejection and being outcasted, resulting in social withdrawal of those who need help the most.

These individuals experience a downward spiral with increasing loss of control of how society views them. The desire to regain control of one's identity does ironically contribute to drastic harmful behaviour aiming to exert ultimate control over societal conceptions and perjorative labels.

Suicide becomes one's last stand.
The last absolute control one has over life.

Community management is a reaffirmation that suicidal individuals, regardless of the presence of mental illness or not, remain an integral part of our social fabric. 

No one should ever be condemned to social isolation. 

It is our ethical duty to provide opportunities for successful intervention and recovery beyond the confines of a mental institution and into every social space in Singapore. 

How does Safe U intervene in the community then?

Well, there is no precedence since no one has been aware or willing to address the gap in suicide support. Our programme is meant to specifically resolve this situation through multi-phasic intensive community management based on robust evidence and innovation. These phases include preventive, acute and recovery-oriented interventions within a bilingual and bicultural ‘safe space’ where principles such as accessibility, responsilibility and destigmatisation are key drivers.

A brief snippet of the acute phase of our comprehensive approach is as follows. When a person approaches us, we conduct a screening followed by our in-house intervention programme (1-2 hours). We then monitor the person for up to 6 months until recovery. We are the only suicide support service focused on preventing suicide by reducing future suicide attempts via a detailed protocol-driven process known as augmented monitoring. This effectively means that we have the most sophisticated suicide monitoring system in Singapore.  

We provide an evidence-based alternative to institutionalised care for individuals with low to moderate high risk of suicide by realising true community-based mental health and suicide support. 

By valuing the importance of the community, we destigmatise suicide and mental illness through a positive whole-of-society approach involving the empowerment of individuals in need, their caregivers and community volunteers.

We strongly discourage the demeaning of the human condition by over-simplifying suicide and mental illness as mere psychiatric issues and personal deficiencies.

Such voluntary work can be extremely difficult for anyone. So, why do we engage in suicide intervention work when it can be challenging and emotionally draining? In the words of renowned Irish poet Brendan Kennelly,

“Though we live in a world that dreams of ending,
that always seems about to give in,
something that will not acknowledge conclusion
insists that we forever begin.”

The world is full of fragility but despite the looming threat of endings, humans possess something within themselves that refuses to accept finality. That inner motivation compels humans to reinvent themselves and find new beginnings in the face of apparent closure. 

Our work is to support others to find their new beginnings.

We strongly believe that helping individuals who give out a cri de coeur (cry from the heart) is a moral calling which everyone should aspire. 

The Chinese idiom “救人一命勝造七级浮屠" (translated as saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-storey pagoda) encapsulates the immense moral and spiritual value of saving a life.

When we save a life, we are not only upholding the sanctity of life and perpetuating the goodness that defines us as moral and ethical beings. We are also alleviating human suffering at its most fundamental level and sowing the seeds of transformation.

 Living becomes imbued with gentleness, allowing each person to approach each misery or struggle with resilience, empathy and compassion.

These reasons make our work worthwhile and kept us going during the darkest moments of our journey to do what is morally imperative. 

What makes us different?

Quite simply, our suicide intervention programme is evidence-based and constantly pushing the boundaries beyond what has been achieved with the limited suicide support existing in Singapore. You won't find a similar one in Singapore and Asia because our work is highly original and experiential. We are not another peer support initiative or crisis hotline. We have moved ahead of the curve in Singapore's National Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy by integrating different tiers of care within our programme. 

We resolve what is known as the ‘Suicide Prevention Paradox'.

Many people who die by suicide are not necessarily identified as high-risk or have a severe mental illness.

The traditional medicalised model focuses on diagnosis, risk stratification and clinical treatment for individuals deemed at risk of harm to self and others. We balance the mental health system by filling the huge service gap existing between lower level psychological support (peer support & hotlines) and high level psychiatric services (IMH) in Singapore. No one will be denied help just because a person does not fit a one-size-fits-all approach. 

We close the gap by focusing on self-empowered suicide-specific care for vulnerable individuals while targeting the broader population with meticulously designed mental health and social interventions aimed at hope and recovery.

Our approach is collaborative and person-centred as it leads to better recovery outcomes. High levels of trust and reciprocity between individuals in need and volunteets are paramount to success. Clients assume a greater level of ownership of their mental health situation and are more self-efficacious as compared to care within a psychiatric setting. Such interpersonal trust and reciprocity are social capital which function as effective dissuation against suicide. 

In particular, interpersonal trust is significantly associated with reduced perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, which are proximal causes of suicidal desire.

To reiterate our trustworthiness, the initiative has zero intention to profiteer since we are 100% voluntary. Collaborations with like-minded partners allow our services to be pro/low bono and accessible across Singapore. Since we do not earn a profit, most of the fees are related only to external costs or used to fund further programmes. 

Last but not least, we are the only mental health organisation in Singapore which has a bilingual and bicultural focus. This is reflected distinctively in the way we blend language and culture in what we do. This is crucial given that we are essentially an Asian society whereas most mental health approaches focus on a Western perspective and therefore lack sufficient cultural adaptation to the Singaporean context. Languages often determine how we perceive and mentally construct the world around us, thereby influencing how positive or negative our mindsets can be. Such influences consequently affect our reactions to adverse situations. You don't necessarily have to be fluent or proficient in a particular language or culture to benefit from our approach. It can be as simple as perspective taking and making sense of your self-identity.

Our Mottoes

We Journey With You To Give Life A Second Chance


We have two mottoes in English and Chinese to reflect Singapore's bilingualism. Our commitment is to be a beacon of hope so that you never have to walk alone hopelessly in the darkness during times of adversity. We also strive to help you turn away from death and move towards life, so that you can start to appreciate the beauty of your existence. 

Our Missions

1. To destigmatise suicide and mental health by reducing involuntary psychiatric admissions in Singapore.

2. To provide dignified and effective suicide and mental health support in a bilingual and culturally sensitive manner.

3. To promote life & death education (LDE) as an important socio-cultural approach to mental wellbeing and suicide prevention.

The focus is on being compassionate to mentally vulnerable individuals who would otherwise fall 
through the existing service gap in the local mental health services or experience discrimination due to 
their mental health conditions. 

We follow the idea of “治病于初萌,防范于未然”. 

This means that we believe in managing a mental health condition in its early stages and to prevent a suicidal situation from arising in the first place. We emphasise the importance of early intervention and preventive measures so that destigmatisation as well as dignified and effective support can be achieved successfully. 

We also go beyond conventional death education to explore the relationship between life and death. This unique approach facilitates a complete transformation from near-death to fulfiling a life of meaning in life and purpose. We don't just teach you how to live. You experience what death is like and take home with you a personal and intimate experience which will change your outlook on life.   

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a model of effective suicide intervention in Asia. We aspire to be a catalyst for change in the way suicide support is provided in Singapore. 

This is reflected in the way we work outside the system to create our own original methods, procedures, workshops and programmes. It constitutes an intensive and time consuming process which is required to bring about effective and long-lasting change.

Aa part of our ethical duty, we perform a thorough examination of existing local mental health and suicide prevention/intervention programmes and reject plaigarisation by unethical individuals as safety should never be compromised under any circumstances. These individuals whom we are aware of include self-proclaimed psychologists and mental health advocates who profit from lived experience (real or imagined). Unfortunately, the situation is more pervasive than expected. Complicity is something we will never tolerate. 

Despite challenges within the existing ecosystem, we will continue to persevere and strive towards completing our reimagination of mental health and suicide support in Singapore and Asia. 

This is what we stand for. 


Our Modus Operandi

“One life can save the world”

The statement expresses our emphasis on changing one life at a time. Each person has a completely different life journey from everyone else. Suicide isn't simply a statistic and success outcomes cannot be measured by the number of phone calls and messages received or the amount of money spent on programmes. 

The question is:  

Have we been transforming lives permanently or have we been averting suicide temporarily under the illusion that people are just numbers?

A life will never be defined by a number. As we do our utmost to increase outreach in the hope that more people will benefit, we must still recognise the unique qualities of each and every person.

When we focus on the individual, we strive to help you write your own future by make lasting changes in the way you think, feel and behave. We seek to change the current situation where individuals ‘float’ around the mental health ecosystem due to unmet needs. We also check if the quality of care received by an individual is indeed commensurate with the statistics reported by various mental health organisations. 

By transforming a person, we are essentially amplifying the impact a life can have on the world around him/her. If you wonder how this can be true, perhaps you can recall how Steve Jobs revolutionised the way we think about and use technology forever or even how Elon Mask is currently single-handedly transforming electric vehicles and space exploration. We do not have to be a Steve Jobs or Elon Musk to make an impact on society. 

We can become the social proof that drives the shift in social norms and normalises the path for others.

  The transformation starts from changing each small living moment which influences one's day. One personally significant day can go on to alter a person's life. A life transformed inspires the whole world by acting as a catalyst for change. By delving deeper into the individual, we are in fact providing sustainable person-centred care which permeates throughout the entire society. Less is more.

This is social impact redefined. 

Our Values

Authenticity, Responsibility and Safety.

We believe in being compassionate and kind to anyone who approaches us in times of need. Authenticity is a core value which allows us to practise compassion and kindness genuinely without compromising the wellbeing of our volunteers. In doing so, you can be assured that the care you receive comes directly from our heart. You can expect mutual respect between volunteers and clients and the establishment of healthy boundaries. We also take a tough stance against performative kindness, which includes explicit rejection of partners or collaborators who seek to plagiarise, modify or profiteer from our programmes.

Additionally, we encourage a sense of responsibility in our volunteers and clients so that they take full ownership of their actions and behaviours. Everyone plays a part in contributing to a successful mental health outcome and we work towards minimal power imbalance so that therapeutic processes are not disrupted. 

Last but not least, the safety of our volunteers and clients are of utmost importance to us. We plan and structure our training and programmes to ensure minimal compromise to psychological, emotional and physical safety. 

Without safety, there is no safe space for all. 

Our Executive Team

Don't work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition.

If you wonder why we haven't put a face to our team yet, it's because we do not ask for recognition. You will get to know us personally when you come into contact with our service. Please reserve your appreciation and gratitude to the frontline volunteers who made a difference to your lives. Our volunteers are some of the friendliest and kindest human beings in our little red dot. I can attest to that because I handpicked them personally.

You can count on us to go the extra mile when no one is willing to help you. This extra effort also means that we do get burnt out occasionally and we have to recharge away from the large number of messages that we receive on a daily basis. 

Making a lasting positive change on your life is the motivation that keeps us going despite the huge emotional drain.

Most of us are in the medical, psychology or counseling fields. However, we have come together to combine our expertise to help individuals in suicidal distress. It is not uncommon to come across a volunteer with lived experience of mental illness or suicide at The SAFE U Initiative because volunteering helps one to find meaning and purpose in life through sharing of experiences. We do our best to understand you and work together towards the goal of recovery through shared camaraderie.

Why can't our programmes be found anywhere else in Singapore?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

This is because we always create our programmes from scratch. We do not believe in copying and pasting what is already out there in the community. Everyone is different and the one-fits-all approach you see everywhere does not work well. We would like our volunteers and individuals to have a fulfiling and memorable experience which will enrich their lives. A positive transformation in perception is often the initial step towards change for the better. You can be assured that each programme epouses our kindness, ingenuity and the determination to inspire change in the way mental health care is provided in Singapore. We do it because you matter to us. Only here, only for you. 

Why are we low to pro bono?

You only ever have to repay in kindness

We believe in making our services affordable for all as suicide care should be a basic human right. We also make our programmes available to other public and private organisations as we hope to increase the number of access points in the community.

We can be low to pro bono because we are all volunteers with no vested financial interest in the project. We fund our projects through the workshops we run and use the excess funds to subsidise further workshops.

Any charges, if required, pertain to rental and miscellaneous fees for in-person services or costs associated with collaborative projects with partner organisations. We do not receive any renumeration for running these projects and workshops. These services remain free but external costs are unavoidable. We can only sustain within our means so we ask for your kind understanding.

We are advocates of paying it forward. We treat you with kindness in the hope that you will consider doing the the same for others around you.

Kindness can't be bought with money, yet it is more valuable than anything in this world.

We do not care about putting our faces out there, getting media coverage or personal accolades. At Safe U, we are only concerned about true kindness. We absolutely don't give a damn about performative kindness.

To receive true kindness, please be a kindred soul and treat every volunteer with respect.  They are just as precious to us as you are. Please always remember that they have sacrificed their time and energy so that you never have to be alone on the path to recovery.

Partner/Collaborate With Us

We welcome partnerships and collaborations with any altruistic individual, social enterprise, non-profit organisation or business with an interest in mental health or suicide support. Our services and training workshops can be provided on demand subject to discussion. 

If you would just like to chit chat with us, we are always happy to give our time as long as there is sincerity and mutual respect. 

To ensure transparency, we wish to make clear that any attempt to plaigarise and/or profiteer our programmes is strictly prohibited. We have a zero tolerance policy on unethical, unsafe and dishonest behaviour. We will not hesitate to block you if, in addition to the above behaviours, you are guilty of undesirable attributes such as trolling, harassment or poor attitude.

You can be absolutely sure that we hold ourselves to these same high standards.

Volunteer With Us

If you are a student or graduate in Psychology and Counseling, we welcome you to join us as a skills-based volunteer. We are also happy to invite volunteers with lived experience of suicide or mental illness. The core attributes that we look out for are kindness, safety and a sense of responsibility. Other positions are available. Please enquire by contacting us. 

However, please note that not every person who approaches us is suitable for the work we do. We are stringent even to volunteers who have joined us and will not hesitate to rescind their volunteer opportunity in the event of recurring absenteeism, poor attitude or unsafe behaviours.  Rejection has nothing to do with you personally. We simply have a responsibility to enforce psychological safety for everyone

Thank you for understanding.

Donate To Us

If you wish to support our cause so that we can keep the services low to pro bono, please contact us directly through our webform.

Copyright © 2024-2025 The SAFE U Initiative. All Rights Reserved.