A Sincere Letter to the Suicidal U

 “If you’re looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it.”

It is not your fault to feel suicidal when things seem hopeless and there is no apparent solution to your emotional pain. Suicide is not a selfish choice. We know you care about your loved ones more than anything in this world. Please know that you are not alone in this world. You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders and try to protect your loved ones. It is okay to fail, it is okay to be imperfect. Most of all, mental illness or adversities do not define you. You are never tainted by negative life experiences. They only help you find direction and meaning in life.

 Are you seeking help or brushing these suicidal tendencies aside? Suicidal thoughts and feelings are like the wave. They come and go. Sometimes big, sometimes small. Seeking help can feel difficult but it is never as painful as that swell of emotional turmoil which consumes your soul. It is also never as traumatisng as being apprehended. Most people are empathetic to suicidal individuals and are willing to help. It is okay to be judicious and choose a service which resonates with you. Just be mindful that you are not abusing these services or the people who help you. These actions will only perpetuate stigma about suicidal individuals. Think about what happens when no one is willing to help you and involuntary admission is the only option. Suicide is not a choice but you are still making choices about whether you will be treated with dignity or humiliation.

It is okay to have thoughts of suicide but death itself is a scary thought. The possibility of pain, nothingness after death and a permanent inability to right the wrongs and unfairness you have endured so far. You shouldn't have to consult online forums or chat groups on how to die painlessly when so many anonymous forum/chat group users are just happy to create havoc and use you as a test subject. You are already suffering as it is so don't let others make a mockery of your life.

Life is about enjoying every single happy moment of our short journey on earth. It could be your first present, your first taste of love or even an unforgettable bowl of laksa. So stay around abit more and see what a different life you can have.





正如郭敬明在《小时代》中所说,我们都只是浩瀚宇宙中微小的尘埃。生活难免会充满挑战和挫折,我们可能会感到失望、悲伤、甚至绝望。你的感受是真实的。 承认并接受自己的感受很重要,在困难的时候,要特别善待自己。你现在的处境并不能代表你过去的价值。你不用压抑自己的情绪,也不需要因为自己的感受而感到羞耻。接受自己的不快乐和其它负面情绪,才能有希望从困境中突围而出。然而,重要的是要记住,这些黑暗时刻都只是暂时的。




 你不需要独自面对这些挑战。有许多人关心你,并愿意提供帮助。你可以向朋友、家人、治疗师或其他值得信赖的人寻求支持。记住,你不是一个人。 许多人都曾经历过类似的感受。他们已经克服了这些困难,你也可以。




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