Workshop Etiquette
1. Please treat the topic of mental health and suicide with respect. Thrill-seeking individuals should avoid attending just because it sounds ‘fun’ or ‘interesting'. This is disrespectful to your fellow participants.
2. We DO NOT accept sign ups from trainers and individuals working for other mental health entities. We have very limited slots. You are taking a slot away from someone who really needs help. If you want to find out more or attend, just contact us directly or else this is considered questionable behaviour.
3. Please be respectful to the facilitators as they are all volunteers who are not renumerated for their time. We will not tolerate any abuse, unpleasant or rude behaviour as it is against our values.
4. Please come to the workshops with an open mind and willingness to listen. In some cases, participants do sign up without any understanding of the topic or have preconceived notions of what should be taught. If you have attended mental health workshops from other organisations, that is totally fine.
However, please keep in mind that you are here to learn new things.
You are not here to learn the same things that you have learnt elsewhere. Even if the topic appears familiar to you, the content will be different because we create our own workshops to meet specific community needs.
This is the level of basic courtesy we expect of you.
Thank you for your kindness and understanding. We look forward to meeting you at our workshops!
Welcome to our first Suicide & Mental Distress Gatekeeper (SMDG) Workshop of the year. If you know someone who is struggling mentally and wish to help, this is the workshop for you. This workshop is suitable for people who have no background in mental health and the focus will be on equipping you with practical knowledge and skills which you can apply on a daily basis.
Details as follows:
9 March (Sun) 10am to 11.30am
Venue: Tanjong Pagar area
Cost: $40 per pax
~Fully booked~
1. How to identify signs and symptoms of someone in suicidal/mental distress
2. How to communicate with someone in distress and refer appropriately
3. Case studies and Q&A
Sent us a message directly if you wish to be considered for waitlist. Thank you.
Safe U conducted a pro bono PFA workshop for NUS Students on 18th January (Sat) !
Want to learn Psychological First Aid (PFA)? We conducted a fruitful pro bono PFA session specially for NUS students today. We would like to thank Project First Aid (NUS) for inviting us. With a detailed lecture and extensive role-play, you are sure to learn some life-saving skills. Head down to Instagram or scroll down below to see some highlights of our volunteers in action at the workshop!
If you belong to a public institution such as a school, university or any other governmental organisation, PFA is provided free of charge as part of our community service.
PFA is also provided on a sliding scale for private entities.
Check out more about the other workshops we offer below. We cover anything on mental health, suicide support and more, send us a message through our webform for any queries.
Thank you!
Did you know?
We are home to Singapore's first & only Death Experience Workshop!
The objective of the workshop is to teach you to appreciate life through a better understanding of death. Such an objective means that mental wellbeing and suicide prevention are some of the areas addressed through this workshop. Death is one of most personal and emotional experiences you will encounter and many of our participants actually come out with a very positive experience because of the clarity and emotional relief they received.
It is our signature workshop and we encourage you to try at least once if you haven't done so. If you are a corporate or voluntary welfare organisation looking to run our workshop, simply contact us through the webform and we'll get back to you soon.
What we give you is the promise that you will emerge with a renewed perspective on life. If you don't believe, hear from our own participant.
Personal Testimonial from Jeannette Qhek, Founder of Chill By Nette:
“I found the Death Experience workshop conducted by The Safe U Initiative to be a meaningful one for myself. The facilitator skillfully guided us through the process in a safe and supportive manner, which allowed for deep exploration without fear.
During the (process), I felt a release of powerful emotions that brought insights into my own life. Sharing our experiences with each other was also healing. I enjoyed the session, and would recommend it to anyone seeking greater purpose, deeper connections, or simply a fresh perspective on life!”
Join us for our final session on 4th Jan 2025. Thank you for your support throughout our sessions and making the programme a success!
Dear all, our 2nd session will be on 15th Dec 3pm to 5pm at Henderson CC. Join us for a session of self-discovery and positive change while learning how to stay away from drugs!
THE SAFE U Initiative X National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA)
Initiating Behavioural Change to Prevent Drug Abuse
The SAFE U Initiative is pleased to launch our pro bono community mental health project in collaboration with the National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA).
This project aims to initiate positive behavioural change and prevent drug abuse through promotion of anti-drug messages.
You DO NOT need to be a drug abuser or at risk of drug abuse to benefit from the project as it is open to the general public. If you would like to start a positive change in your life with the help of our volunteers and learn beneficial anti-drug messages at the same time, this might be an idealopportunity to ignite change in you! Best of all, you do not need to pay to access this mental health service project.
There will be a total of 3 sessions from November to January which are provided absolutely free of charge. We are currently accepting expressions of interest for all sessions and registration for our 1st session on 9 November (Saturday) will commence on 25 October (Friday). Refreshments will be provided for this session.
Safe U Advanced Suicide & Mental Distress Gatekeeper (A-SMDG) Workshop ©
Following the popularity of our SMDG workshop, we are pleased to announce our sequel: Safe U's Advanced Suicide & Mental Distress Gatekeeper (A-SMDG) Workshop. This workshop will provide you with all the skills you need to handle any mental health crisis situations independently and proficiently.
If you have attended our original SMDG workshop or have experience in gatekeeping and psychological first aid (PFA), this workshop will substantially elevate your skillset so that you can be confident to intervene if the situation arises.
For friends and family members of suicidal individuals, this workshop will be helpful if you wish to help them on a daily basis. We build up your confidence by focusing mainly on practical skills rather than theory alone. It can difficult for a person to know how and when to intervene but you will gain a high level of understanding when you complete this advanced workshop.
As part of promoting kindness in the community, you will get a subidised fee for future workshops if you have attended any of our workshops. You can also be assured that each and every Safe U workshop is heavily subsidised to make mental health literacy accessible. We are all volunteers and non-profit.
We just ask you to pay it forward by putting your skills to good use.
Details are as follows:
Safe U A-SMDG Workshop
13 October 3pm to 5pm
Venue: City area (TBA)
Course fee:
1. $35 (fee for attendees of previous SMDG and other Safe U workshops)
2. $40 (new registration)
To register, please contact us by Instagram DM or through the webform on the 'Contact Us' page to check for availability of slots.
Safe U Depression First Aider (DFA) Workshop ©
We are pleased to announce the Safe U Depression First Aider (DFA) workshop as part of our Suicide Resilience Experiential Project. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions and constitutes a risk factor for suicide.
If you are unsure if someone is just feeling sad or experiencing symptoms of depression, this workshop will help you identify signs to look out for.
If you want to help someone with suspected or diagnosed depression, we will also equip you with mental health first aid skills to prevent a crisis situation from escalating.
The DFA workshop is unique in that there is less emphasis on theory but more on practical skills which you can use on an everyday basis. You develop confidence to deal with different situations that you may encounter by working through case studies and practising skills on the spot. Worried that you might need further help? We at Safe U are happy to provide advice and support if you are willing to ask. Take the first step towards helping a person with depression and be the light that guides them at the end of the tunnel.
Safe U Depression First Aider (DFA) Workshop
12 Oct 3pm to 5pm
Course fees: $40
Limited slots (small group setting)
To sign up, please contact us through Instagram DM or our webform on the 'Contact Us' page to check availability of slots.
Safe U Self-Harm Prevention & Risk Minimisation (SPRM) Workshop ©
As part of the third phase of our Suicide Resilience Experiential Project (SREP), we will be focusing on self-harm prevention and harm minimisation. This is also the first workshop of its kind focusing mainly on self-harm. Self-harm is not only a risk factor for suicide but it is also very much a unique phenomenon of its own.
If you are self-harming or know someone who is at risk of self-harm, it is possible to prevent the behaviour from escalating and causing further physical and emotional damage. Join us on 13 Oct from 10am to 12pm if you would like to know more and help those around you who may be struggling to cope with emotional pain.
13 October 10 am to 12 pm
Course fee: $50 ($45 for previous attendees of our workshops)
Limited slots due to small group setting
To sign up, please send us a DM on Instagram or contact us through our webform.
Safe U Death Experience Workshop © (Beginner)
Due to popular demand, we will be conducting a second session for our death experience workshop. This is the final session of the year and will be held on 28 September 10 am to 1pm. Please note that to discourage thrill seekers, we will only be accepting attendees of this beginner workshop for subsequent advanced death experience workshops. This is to screen participants and ensure that you will not be overwhelmed by the experiential activities which will increase in intensity with each subsequent workshop.
Details as follows:
28 Sept 10 am to 1pm
Course fee: $60
Limited slots available due to small group setting
This workshop is considered beginner level and there will not be any morbid or discomforting activities involved.
How to sign up?
1. Instagram DM and we will attend to you asap
2. Contact us through our webform
There is meaning in everything between life and death.
As part of the second phase of our Suicide Resilience Experiential Project (SREP), Safe U will be conducting Singapore's first ever death experience workshop in conjunction with the upcoming World Mental Health Month in October. The aim of this workshop is for individuals to experience death as a journey to your inner self. This is often described as an enlightening experience which helps to put many of life's trials and tribulations into perspective. Many people see death and anything to do with it as taboo. However, it is part and parcel of life and understanding death helps you appreciate life on a deeper level.
This is NOT a workshop teaching people to die. We strictly discourage death or suicide as a solution to life's problems because quite simply, death is a one way ticket. Our purpose lies with educating participants about death and the meaning of death to oneself and the people around you.
This is considered a beginner workshop and there will not be any experience that will cause discomfort. It is the first part of a series of workshops on death experience with each workshop having different activities and themes of various intensities. Thus, participants choose what they wish to experience. At the same time, participants will be screened for suitability prior to being registered for subsequent more advanced workshops. The screening includes whether you have attended the beginner workshop and if you have any existing mental health conditions. They are for your wellbeing.
We discourage people from registering or attending the workshops with a fun-seeking attitude as death is a serious matter.
Details as follows:
Session 1: 15 September 2024 (Fully booked)
10 am to 1pm (half day workshop)
Course fee: $60 (Subsidised to $55 if you have attended our previous workshops)
Slots: Limited to small group setting. First come first served
Contact us by email, webform or Instagram to enquire about booking. We look forward to seeing you!
The Safe U Grant-a-Workshop (Mental Health Literacy) Project ©
Are you looking to improve your mental health literacy but don't know where to start? The SAFE U Initiative is pleased to announce our Safe U Grant-a-Workshop (Mental Health Literacy) Project ©. As the name suggests, we are promoting mental health literacy by taking requests from members of the general public and developing a mental health and/or suicidal support talk or workshop just for YOU. We are able to do so because we have expertise across multiple mental health domains. When we receive your request, we do our best to fulfil it. You can be sure that these workshops are created specifically to suit your needs so that you no longer have to settle for a generic and often expensive mental health workshop You will definitely feel our kindest intentions to help you and your loved ones live a fulfiling and meaningful life.
These customised workshops will run alongside our regular workshops. You will be pleased to know that the talks and workshops will always be made available in English and Chinese so that you can learn in a language which is most comfortable to you.
The service is totally free. We adhere strictly to our working principles of only charging for external costs and using the fees to fund and subsidise further events. Additionally, we will be trialling a sliding scale such that payment is flexible according to needs and ability to pay.
If you have the heart to learn, we have the passion to teach!
How to request a workshop
1. Contact us through webform, email or Instagram DM. Alternatively fill out our Google form in the link below
2. Tell us what you are interested to learn (or we can suggest based on your situation), requirements and the number of people who are attending
3. We will discuss within our team and get back to you within 3 working days. Usually it will be less than that.
4. We will provide an outline of the talk or workshop and arrange a suitable venue depending on number of people.
5. If you are the only person, don't worry about that. We will help you find like-minded people who may also be interested in the same topic. This will take some time but we will do our best to make it happen.
6. Payment according to sliding scale. We are reasonable people and because we are just volunteers, we don't give a heck about profits. We try to make it fair such that everyone has the opportunity to learn. You won't be disadvantaged. If you are an organisation, we hope you treat us respectfully and refrain from asking for free workshops since you are already funded.
The Safe U Coping with Transitions (CWT) Workshop ©
1 September 12 noon to 2pm
Open for Booking!
Course fee: $30 nett
What is this workshop suitable for:
1. Grief
2. Divorce
3. Career changes
4. Health changes
5. Existential Crisis
What will you learn:
1. Types of transitions
2.What is and how to utilise transitional phenomena
3. Effective coping strategies
4. Q&A and form your own support group!
Due to request from a member of the public, we will be conducting a workshop on 'Coping with Transitions'. This is an extended version of our TOES worskhop and specifically covers content on how to cope with life transitions effectively. These could include grief, divorce, career & health changes and existential crisis. This workshop is also a good opportunity for you to meet like-minded individuals to form your very own support group.
As per our previous workshops, we are conducting it in a small group format to ensure better facilitation. Course fee remains unchanged at $30 and you are welcome to sponsor/subsidise slot(s) for your loved ones or someone in need.
We are also happy to provide financial support for any students and young adults who wish to attend. Please note that this is only for those who are really in need. Simply DM us and we'll try to help the best we can.
Thank you :)
Registration steps: Enquire with us if there are available slots. Make payment by PayNow and send us a message with your name, contact no. and no. of pax. Screenshot a copy of the payment for your reference and send us one copy too.
The Safe U Suicide & Mental Distress Gatekeeper (SMDG) Workshop ©
1 September 2024 10am to 12 noon
Fully booked. Special thanks to Soul Reconnection for sponsoring two slots :)
- Book by scanning QR Code below to make payment through PayNow. Send your name, contact number and no. of pax to us by email after making payment.
18 August 2024 10am to 12 noon
Fully booked !
Course fee: $30 or $25 if you attended our emotional regulation workshop and/or purchased Panda Teddy
We are pleased to announce our 2nd workshop focusing on suicide and mental distress gatekeeping. If you know a friend or family member who is going through a difficult time, this is the course for you to keep them safe. Best of all, anyone can be a gatekeeper. You do not need to be a mental health professional to avert a potential suicide or mental breakdown.
We are fully committed to subsidising our workshops with the donations and course fees we have received. If you have attended our emotional regulation workshop and/or panda teddy, you will automatically be eligible for a discounted course fee. We will continue to do so for future workshops so that you will benefit the most.
This will be a small group session so slots will be on a first come first served basis. Book now before the slots are full :)
The Safe U Transitional Objects & Emotional Security (TOES) Workshop ©
18th August 3pm to 5pm
Fully booked !
Course fee: $30
Subsidised to $25 if you attended our previous workshops and/or purchassd a panda teddy
We are pleased to introduce our third workshop on Transitional Objects and Emotional Security. This is a special workshop released in conjunction with our Panda Teddy collaboration with If you currently do not have an emotional support aid, we highly recommend you to consider the Panda Teddy as has put in alot of effort in its creation. We are supporting them by subsidising the workshop for anyone who purchased the panda teddy.
Nonetheless, transitional objects can transcend beyond concrete objects to more abstract experiences. Learn about how these transitional objects play a role in our childhood and continue to influence our lives in adulthood. Harness the power within these objects to improve your emotional wellbeing amidst difficult times. Why is this important? Modern societies are perpetuating feelings of loneliness and helplessness even as social media continues to connect more and more people. This is evident in many unhealthy habits such as drug addictions, game addictions and even hoarding. In extreme cases such as hikikomori, we simply isolate ourselves from society when we are unable to cope with changes or deal with past events in our lifes. Sometimes, all need is some help in terms of tactics and strategies to manage uncertainty, anxiety and accepting change. This is where transitional objects come in and we know they are useful, because you still cling onto your first chou chou or even a photo of someone important to you.
So join us and learn how to help yourself even when you seem alone and no one can help you. You know yourself the best and that is why this workshop focuses on what is meaningful and emotionally supportive to you.
The SAFE U Initiative is pleased to announce our collaboration with to bring you the Panda Teddy Emotional Support Plushie. This is a customised plushie which is probably the first in Singapore to be used as a dedicated emotional support aid. If you had a chou chou, you would have memories of the comfort it gave you through your childhood years. The Panda Teddy is not meant only for children but for adults as well.
As a transitional object, it provides emotional support within your control, psychological strength through the representation of emotional attachment and also reduces the need for maladaptive behaviours such as hoarding and addictions. Gifting a transitional object to a loved one can help him/her better navigate difficult times even if you are not always physically available.
Plush Plush SG has spent months creating this plushie and the design was specially curated to contain different meanings. We are extremely grateful that Plush Plush SG has kindly agreed to donate part of the sales proceeds to our crowdfunding page on GoGetFunding. The donations will go directly towards funding our project and subsidising future workshops.
In conjunction with this collaboration, we will also be announcing our Transitional Objects & Emotional Security Workshop soon. You will automatically get a discounted course fee with the purchase of a Panda Teddy, so the donations go back to benefiting you directly.
These collectibles are currently available at a discounted price for a limited time only. So get yours before they are sold out :)
To purchase, click the button below:
The SAFE U Initiative X Soul Reconnection Collaboration
The SAFE U Initiative is pleased to announce our collaboration with Soul Reconnection (再生缘). This collaboration involves our newly created single-session transdiagnostic workshop for emotional regulation as well as Soul Reconnection's low bono support group for people experiencing loneliness and emptiness in life. Soul Reconnection is also offering a time-limited highly discounted counseling service if you start your first session with them by 31st July. These services will be available as two packages. Initial slots will be 20 max on a first come first served basis, due to the popularity and high demand.
How do you benefit from this collaboration?
1. There is often a long waiting time before you can access mental health services and providing earlier intervention can promote better psychological outcomes. The single session workshop is transdiagnostic, meaning it doesn't target a specific diagnosis but works as a preventive and/or mitgative intervention across emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety and most subclinical mental health symptoms. Data suggests that there are sustained mental health benefits from just a single-session transdiagnostic workshop for emotional dysfunction, depression, and general distress. One session is often enough to feel a positive change which can be consolidated by either a support group or professional counseling.
2. Professional counseling and facilitated support groups can be very expensive so you benefit from the low bono services and subsidised prices here
3. Our collaboration is born solely out of the desire to help those in need and encourage help-seeking behaviour. We hope you will cherish this opportunity to take the first step towards a better life.
Total slots available: Max 20 pax only.
Fees :
1. Workshop + Support Group
- $25 + $40/session
2. Workshop + Professional Counseling
- $25 + 20% off first 5 counseling sessions
Contact details:
For Workshop enquiries, contact us through instagram, website, facebook, [email protected].
For Support Group/Counseling, contact Soul Reconnection through the details in the posters.
The SMILE Project by Safe U
What is it?
The SMILE project is a side project by our initiative to collect smiles from members of the community to present as a gift to anyone who needs a smile to brighten up their day.
One smile can't change the world, but your smile can definitely change someone's world. If you have been on the receiving end of a person's smile, it probably felt soothing and your troubles seemed to disappear for a moment. You may even subconsciously return a smile. That moment is enough to change someone's terrible day or change the mind of someone who is suicidal.
Why is this so?
Smiling is contagious! When we see someone smile, emotional contagion is triggered and we start to imitate the facial expression of that person. You might have experienced that when you start smiling once you look at a smiling baby. We start to experience positive emotions and feelings of happiness which lead to stress reduction, mood enhancement and overall mental wellbeing.There have even been stories of suicidal individuals changing their mind and aborting a suicide attempt because of a smile they received from a stranger.
This is not surprising given that nothing conveys kindness and happiness more efficiently than a smile.
How can you contribute?
You can contribute by donating your smile or making a person smile through the following ways:
1. Share a photo of you smiling (individual only) with us on Instagram, Telegram, Facebook or email.
2. If you are shy, smile with a mask on. Your eyes can smile too!
3. Together with your photo, leave a few words of encouragement for the person receiving your smile.
4. If you have a short story or a joke to make someone smile, send those in too!
5. We are looking for Reward Smiles and Affilation Smiles (See below for photos)
Reward Smile
This smile is most apparent when a baby smiles unexpectedly at the mother which causes the latter to smile in return and enjoy a feel-good sensation. The mother gets rewarded for the baby's apparent happiness.
It often involves the symmetrical hoist of the facial muscles below the cheekbone with the mouth forming a grin and teeth exposed. It also sometimes come with a playful eye crinkle.
The Reward Smile is used to motivate someone else or to convey the meaning that someone is doing a grear job.
Affilation Smile
This smile is often used to show someone your good and unthreatening intentions especially when you meet somebody for the first time. It is also usually the smile you show when your pet dog greets us at the door at the end of a work day. It denotes happiness and friendliness and communicates a sense of trust and good-naturedness.
An Affilation Smile involves a similar symmetrical hoist of the facial muscles below the cheekbone but the mouth is spread wider and thinner. The lips are pressed and there is no teeth exposed.
What we do with your smiles
From 11 May 2024, we will be collecting smiles and using them to create a series to provide a source of comfort to anyone with mental health or suicidal issues. You can play a part by donating your smile, smiley eyes or even words of encouragement and short stories of hope. Only individual smiles will be accepted as group photos may sometimes evoke feelings of isolation in some people. By helping us with the project, you will experience the first hand benefits of practising smiling. Thank you for supporting The SMILE Project and your willingness to infect others with your joy and optimism in life!
The Wall of Smiles
Scroll below to see the smiles and messages we have collected for you! We hope they bring a smile to you and change your day for the better!
You don't have to force yourself to be positive if it feels too hard. The important thing is just to keep going at it and fight on. We are here to encourage you!
A message from our smile donor
My smile is free, your life is not, it's the most precious thing that you have, don't lose it.
You might find it hard to smile when things are not going well. But we are here to remind you that happiness is a choice. You can always smile and remain unpertubed by external events. When you smile, you basically give the finger to whatever is causing you agony. You choose to fight back and make a decision to overcome it.
A message from our smile donor
You’ve survived 100% of your bad days and will continue to do so. Hang in there!
Don't give up because we will never give up on you!
A message from our smile donor
Smile through the storm, and watch the clouds clear.
It does. When you smile, you subconsiously feel better too. Don't believe? Try smiling now!
A message from our smile donor
Know there is love
It doesn't cost anything to gift yourself a smile. The best thing you can do for yourself is to treat yourself nicer. Smiling is an acknowledgement to yourself that you have done a good job. A smile doesn't have to be in response to any person or event.
A message from our smile donor
Don't forget. there'll be someone to catch you with a smile 😊
Sometimes you don't need words to express your concern or love for a fellow human being. A smile is enough, just as you are always enough.
We hope you enjoyed the smiles from our donors. To the donors, thank you for your generosity. To the person scrolling through our wall of smiles, thank you for being a part of Safe U's mission to improve mental health and suicide support in Singapore.
The Safe U Suicide & Mental Distress Gatekeeper (SMDG) Workshop ©
18 August 2024 - Session open for registration!
The Safe U SMDG workshop © is aimed at training gatekeepers in the community. Gatekeepers are individuals who equipped with skills to help family, friends, peers or even neighbours who are going through a difficult time and experiencing suicidal behaviour and/or mental distress. Gatekeepers do not need to be mental health professionals. They simply need to show empathy, listen actively and refer as required.
While the requirements and skills are simple, becoming a competent gatekeeper requires introspection, courage and constant practice. We try to cultivate these skills by encouraging role-playing within a small group setting. You do not need to worry about how others will judge you since our workshop has very few participants per session compared to similar workshops. We are also the only organisation in Singapore which conducts gatekeeper training for both suicide and mental distress since we believe that they share common features.
The workshop is considered suitable for everyone. There are no prerequisites and this is considered the beginner workshop for our series of gatekeeping workshops which will be introduced subsequently.
What if you don't know anyone who is suicidal or in distress? Well, you never know when you would need these skills but the probability of you encountering such situations is actually not as low as you think. If you remembered seeing news reports of members of the public saving a distressed individual from jumping off a HDB flat or walking onto the MRT tracks, chances are you have already seen a gatekeeper in action.
We hope you can play a part in keeping your loved ones and the community safe. Your actions can avert a death and change someone's life for the better.
Copyright © 2024 The SAFE U Initiative. All Rights Reserved.